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When Oliver isn’t on duty, he loves playing and living his best dog’s life! No matter what though, we make sure he is protected from fleas and ticks. Learn more about the importance of protection from Merck Animal Health and enter to win a monthly pet subscription box with toys & treats for a year! Check it out:

We had an opportunity recently to team up with the Bravecto Cares Campaign and NEADS World Class Service Dogs for a Satellite Media Tour. Oliver, Dr. Mark Pelham (right) and I spent a day spreading the word to various media outlets. What a wonderful experience! Check out one of our many interviews here!

Photograph by Lee Hollenbeck

Photograph by Lee Hollenbeck

I’m dedicating my life to helping others with Spinal Cord Injuries or Disorders (SCI/D) to find what makes them feel alive. SCI/Ds are thought to be a life ender, but as I learned from my mentors and my own experiences, life is what you make it.
